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Read moreAutore: DonneCultura è una testata on line, che si occupa di arte - cultura in genere - viaggi e salute. La testata è depositata presso il tribunale di Como in data 7.6.2010; n° registro 7. - Direttore, grafico ed editore Grazia Seregni, giornalista iscritta all'Ordine Nazionale. Nessun altrop collabora a questa testata, salvo articoli adeguatamente firmati dall'occasionale giornalista.
The director of the school and the teachers suggested the study of art and architecture, but the family would not allow it.
Begins studying phisical education with a thesis about nutrition with the rector of the Università Statale of Milan: prof. Rodolfo Margaria.
Several studies about photography, tourism (Bocconi Milan University - tourism Marketing ) ecc...
On 60 years old, 2011; Second Level of grafic of art on Accademia Belle Arti di Brera Milan.
Teacher for 15 years in the public Italian School.
Subsequently different experiences in the field of travel and tourism and a course at the University Bocconi, a job in the office of the Spanish Ministry of Tourism, in Milan for 10 years; official level .
1988 - started working with the publisher De Agostini for the encyclopedia "Knowing The World" as a journalist.
Many collaborations with various newspapers and magazines: Orobie Corriere del Ticino, Ticino Donna Manager, Como rivista, Il Borgo, Le Scienze ...
Grazia Seregni continued her studies and works.
She has continued to deal with art throughout his life. Despite other works.
Today is editor and publisher of
At the link of, his works of art and a list of exhibitions.